Try Curling

Try Curling sessions provide a great taster to the sport with an introduction to the basics and information on how the game is played. For dates at venues across Scotland, please go onto website. Sessions are delivered by Scottish Curling qualified coaches.

What to Expect

  • Warm-up
  • Moving around; getting comfortable and confident on the ice
  • Introduction to curling delivery and opportunity to practice
  • Introduction to sweeping and opportunity to practice
  • Full length curling delivery; how far can you send the stone?
  • Cool-down

What to Wear

All equipment is supplied including brushes and sliders. All you need is warm, loose fitting clothing and clean, flat, rubber soled shoes (trainers are ideal) to change into for curling. Delivery sticks allow stones to be delivered from a standing position or wheelchair and are available for those with mobility issues.

Keeping Safe

Have a look at out Try Curling safety video prior to attending your session.

The video can be made larger by pressing the Full Screen button, and subtitles are available by pressing the Closed Captions button.

Are you interested in Trying Curling? Then why not learn the skills and techniques to curl with confidence on the ice? A fun relaxed coaching session to introduce you to curling. Classes include: Introduction to curling delivery, introduction to sweeping and full-length curling. The sessions are suitable for anyone age 7 years and over and suitable for all abilities.  

For dates, please go onto website

To book please contact Dewars Centre on 01738 454700