About Perth Women’s Curling

Perth Women’s Curling (PWC) is the group that represents all women curlers who play at Perth Ice Rink.
PWC organises and encourages participation in women’s competitions and leagues at Perth, as well as the Scottish women’s inter ice rink competition which is called the Morton Trophy. The group has an executive of a President, vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. All are members of local curling clubs as well as the Royal Caledonian Curling Club. The PWC President represents the interests of Perth female curlers at the RCCC Ladies Standing Committee meetings.

PWC sends out information about local competitions and events via email. To be included in the mailing list send an email perthwomenscurling@gmail.com. All female curlers are welcome to participate in competitions and events. The PWC Annual General Meeting is held in May and it is an opportunity to socialise, celebrate success of local curlers and plan ahead for the next season.

President: Trish Kennedy                     
Vice President: Gillie McKee         
Secretary:  Vacancy   
Treasurer : Janet Lynch                    
Perth Secretary for the Morton Trophy: Anne Younger 

If you have any queries concerning any aspect of women’s curling or have suggestions for new competitions/events connected to curling, please get in touch with one of the Committee. We’d rather talk face to face, but if it’s more convenient contact us via email:  perthwomenscurling@gmail.com

Please follow Perth Curling on Facebook  and or Instagram where information about curling at Perth is featured.

For the calendar of women’s competitions at Perth please see here.